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What is the nature of the universe? 

If you were to walk into a jungle, one would witness there is new life thriving everywhere, as well as things dying.

There is a balance that is very visible if you are aligned with life that you can witness. 

This series was painted with a branch taped to a stick and dipped into ink.

I could not possibly know the outcome, there was no planning, no human composition, just mark making, each would prove to be as uniquely as possible.

I believe the best an artist can do is to observe, learn and apply from Nature.

I invite you to have this in mind:

 The universe in all of its glory, creates planets, galaxies, clusters of them, millions upon billions of different life forms.

The universe first began its creation on a minuscule scale, going from atoms to planets to supermassive blackholes.

Humans alike any other plant, animal, or element is simply just another vehicle in which the universe experiences itself through.

The beauty that radiates from a rose, is embedded in every human being, observing the patterns in nature will bring about one amazing realization.

You are not IN the universe, You ARE the universe.

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